Municipal Policy and Programming

Municipal urban rat management policies and programming in seven cities in the United States of America.

Lee MJ, Byers KA, Cox SM, Stephen C, Patrick DM, Corrigan R, Himsworth CG. 2022. Journal of Urban Affairs DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2022.2091995

While literature indicates that municipal rat management approaches are often unsuccessful, a lack of research comparing strategies makes the breadth of opportunities and challenges associated with different approaches uncertain. Here, we explored the municipal rat management policies and programs in seven cities in the United States of America. Rat policies were attained by collecting rat management-related municipal codes in each city. Information on rat programs was obtained through interviewing program stakeholders. Analysis followed a qualitative framework method to identify and describe themes associated with the structure and function of management approaches. Municipal codes served as a foundation for municipalities by outlining when, where, how, and by whom rat problems should be addressed. Programs employed the primary people responsible for performing on-the-ground management and they acted as a municipal “brain,” organizing the city’s strategy. We identify opportunities and barriers for other municipalities to consider in the design of their own rat management strategies.


Rats in Sewers

